Sunday, March 23, 2008

Zions Trip

Heather had a doctors appointment in St. George so we all went with. While Heather was at her appointment Gavin, Hallie and I went to the temple and walked around the grounds and through the visitors center. It was a beautiful day and the temple grounds were already a bloom. We walked back to the Womens clinic and Heather was done. Everything seems to be going well. Heather now sees the doctor every week until she has it. Well find out in the next week if we will be having the baby C-Section or natural. So we will have the baby within the next 3 to 6 weeks.

We then decided to drive through Zions National Park. It was very nice in the park. Gavin and Hallie had never been through the tunnel so we took them through. We stopped near the Lodge and Gavin and I hiked up the to a waterfall.

We all then went and watched a movie, Trip Around the World. At the giant screen theatre near the entrance to the park. We all had a very enjoyable day. Not to much bickering and fighting. We bought a pass for all of the National parks so we can use it at Yellowstone this fall and hopefully several other parks during the summer.

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